How A Hot Tub Helps With Weight Loss

How A Hot Tub Helps With Weight Loss

Losing weight, and maintaining any degree of weight loss, means taking meaningful steps toward a healthier lifestyle. So how can something as relaxing as a hot tub soak help you in your weight loss journey? Believe it or not, a hot tub isn’t just for entertaining and unwinding. Countless studies have shown the benefits of a hot tub in helping owners lose weight and live healthier.

Losing Weight With Your Hot Tub

After you finish a workout, stepping into warm water can elevate and enhance your healthy choices. By soaking in a Beachcomber Hot Tub, you speed up your post-exercise recovery time, improve circulation, and lower blood pressure. A hot tub also promotes clarity in your mind, helps improve your quality of sleep, and has even been shown to fight against conditions including diabetes and arthritis that can keep you from living life as your best self.

Did you know you can even exercise in your hot tub?

By submerging yourself in warm water, your body isn’t forced to exert as much energy when exercising. Unlike other environments, a hot tub provides a ‘soft’ space for workouts. Not only do you not have to worry about falling, as the water supports the body in every position, but the water also helps alleviate the feelings of fatigue because it’s supporting so much of the body’s weight. Besides, flexibility results due to the broader range of motion the body can achieve due to the absence of gravity on the joints. No equipment is necessary.

Beyond weight loss, a hot tub, through the stimulation of blood vessels, can help tone body tissue and reduce fluid retention and swelling. The combined benefits of this have been shown to help diminish the appearance of cellulite. So, next time you think about having a soak in your Beachcomber Hot Tub, remember it’s doing more than just making you feel good – it’s making you healthier!